Dynasty Warriors: Guan Yingping Cosplay by ATO

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For today game cosplay post we got Guan Yingping Cosplay photography from Dynasty Warriors 8 Video Game, From her name alone we will know that Guan Yingping is daughter of Guan Yu, one of the most powerful general in the Dynasty Warriors series and Three Kingdom Game Story, fruit does not will fall far from the tree, right!? just like her father Guan Yingping also has a very high combat skill, the difference with her father is only one ... Guan Yingping got more fansboys than her father :3.

Her Dynasty Warriors incarnation is the number one character fans would want as their girlfriend and their third choice for sibling According to Famitsu 's survey character. She was the sixth most popular character with fans in the Dynasty Warriors 8 : Xtreme Legends character poll. She also has a character image song titled WILL TO FIGHT, that's what I'm talking about ... so if you want to make her your girlfriend, you better be ready to compete with the millions of her fans ^^.

To further add elegance and also showed her feminine side, Guan Yingping choose to use the Dual-headed mace instead of using Guan dao (Chinese polearm) like what her father use. wait ... isn't Mace mostly used by ugly muscles bald man!? Gosh ... nevermind about adding elegance and also showed her feminine side Lol, well atleast, as you can see in this Dynasty Warriors 8 Cosplay picture Guan Yingping does look pretty with that dual-headed mace.

      If you want to know, ATO is the cosplayers that makes us can see the live version of Guan Yingping through this Dynasty Warriors 8 Cosplay picture, this is what I think about when seeing this picture for the first time ... I saw an angel without wings, with cute lips wrapped with green chinese traditional dress in a little thick make-up and also she has a beautiful long wavy hair (is that too much?? XD) well ... to put it simple this is one of the most perfect Guan Yingping Cosplay picture I've ever seen, I don't think I need to comment on the cosplay costume that she wears, even a little girl know it is a nice-detailed costume Cosplay.

About how similar ATO in this Dynasty Warriors 8 Cosplay picture with real Guan Yingping of Dynasty Warriors 8 Games, already I input two pictures of Guan Yingping with different costume from Dynasty Warriors game above, but if you want to know more about Guan Yingping I suggest you try this game, I'm sure you will not regret it.
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